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Text File | 1994-05-28 | 40.6 KB | 989 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- I've just finished reading the xlisp 2.1 source code for the first
- time. The tutorial and reference material included with the winterp
- distribution are well done, but I would have liked an overview of the
- interpreter internals. Here's a first cut at such a document.
- Comments welcome...
- Jeff Prothero
- I've modified Jeff's overview to match current XLISP-PLUS 2.1g
- practice, more thoroughly describe the operation of contexts, and
- describe initialization and save/restore.
- Tom Almy
- ---------------------------cut here-------------------------------
- 90Nov13 jsp@milton.u.washington.edu Public Domain.
- +---------------------+
- | xlisp 2.1 internals |
- +---------------------+
- Who should read this?
- ---------------------
- Anyone poking through the C implementation of xlisp for the first
- time. This is intended to provide a rough roadmap of the global
- xlisp structures and algorithms. If you just want to write lisp code
- in xlisp, you don't need to read this file -- go read cldoc.txt. If
- you want to tinker with the xlisp implementation code, you should
- *still* read that before reading this. The following isn't intended
- to be exhaustively precise -- that's what the source code is for! It
- is intended only to give you sufficient orientation give you a
- fighting chance to understand the code the first time through,
- instead of the third time.
- At the bottom of the file you'll find an example of how to add new
- primitive functions to xlisp.
- General note on MS-DOS Memory Models
- ------------------------------------
- If you are not using MS-DOS ignore all the "FAR" and "NEAR" keywords.
- Also ignore MEDMEM, and most uppercase macros default to the lowercase
- library functions.
- For MS-DOS, originally XLISP used Large memory model. However in
- order to allow for a clean MS Windows port (never completed :-() and
- to improve performance, the code was overhauled to use Medium memory
- model. Every xlisp object is is allocated from FAR memory, so
- pointers need to be cast to FAR. Local variables, and statically
- allocated global variables are NEAR, however. Since FAR strings cannot be
- handled by Medium model library string routines, they must be moded
- into a NEAR buffer first.
- Other added confusions
- ______________________
- There are two separate sets of memory allocation/garbage collection
- routines. One pair, xldmem/xlimage, was the traditional xlisp
- allocator. The second pair, dldmem/dlimage, additionally manages
- arrays and strings. In the original version, malloc and free are
- used, which can cause memory fragmentation problems. The dl pair
- compresses array memory segments to eliminate fragmentation.
- There are many compilation options. Thank goodness many more have
- been eliminated.
- What is an LVAL?
- ----------------
- An "LVAL" is the C type for a generic pointer to an xlisp
- garbage-collectable something. (Cons cell, object, string, closure,
- symbol, vector, whatever.) Virtually every variable in the
- interpreter is an LVAL. Cons cells contain two LVAL slots,
- symbols contains four LVAL slots, etc.
- What is the obarray?
- --------------------
- The obarray is the xlisp symbol table. More precisely, it is is a
- hashtable mapping ascii strings (symbol names) to symbols. ("obarray"
- is a misnomer, since it contains only xlisp SYMBOLs, and in particular
- contains no xlisp OBJECTs.) It is used when converting lisp
- expressions from text to internal form. Since it is a root for the
- garbage collector, it also serves to distinguish permanent
- global-variable symbols from other symbols -- you can permanently
- protect a symbol from the garbage collector by entering it into the
- obarray. This is called "interning" the symbol. The obarray is
- called "obarray" in C and "*OBARRAY*" in xlisp.
- When the package facility is compiled, *OBARRAY* no longer exists,
- and obarray is a list of packages. A package is a structure (an
- array) of six elements. The first is an obarray for the internal
- symbols in the package, the second is an obarry for the external
- symbols, the third is a list of shadowing symbols, the fourth is a
- list of packages this package uses, the fifth is a list of packages
- which use this package, and the sixth is a list of the package's
- names with all but the first being the nicknames. In addition,
- symbols have an additional attribute in their structure which is the
- home package of the symbol.
- The Interpreter Stacks
- ----------------------
- xlisp uses two stacks, an "evaluation stack" and an "argument stack".
- Both are roots for the garbage collector. The evaluation stack is
- largely private to the interpreter and protects internal values from
- garbage collection, while the argument stack holds the conventional
- user-visible stackframes.
- The evaluation stack is an EDEPTH-long array of "LVAL" statically
- allocated. It grows zeroward.
- xlstkbase points to the zero-near end of the evaluation stack.
- xlstktop points to the zero-far end of the evaluation stack: the
- occupied part of the stack lies between xlstack and xlstktop. NOTE
- that xlstktop is *NOT* the top of the stack in the conventional sense
- of indicating the most recent entry on the stack: xlstktop is a static
- bounds pointer which never changes.
- xlstack starts at the zero-far end of the evaluation stack. *xlstack
- is the most recent LVAL on the stack. The garbage collector MARKs
- everything reachable from the evaluation stack (among other things),
- so we frequently push things on this stack while C code is
- manipulating them. (Via xlsave(), xlprotect(), xlsave1(), xlprot1().)
- The argument stack is an ADEPTH-long array of "LVAL". It also grows
- zeroward. The evaluator pushes arguments on the argument stack at the
- start of a function call (form evaluation). Built-in functions
- usually eat them directly off the stack. For user-lisp functions
- xleval.c:evfun() pops them off the stack and binds them to the
- appropriate symbols before beginning execution of the function body
- proper.
- xlargstkbase is the zero-near end of argument stack.
- xlargstktop is the zero-far end of argument stack. Like xlstktop,
- xlargstktop is a static bounds pointer.
- *xlsp ("sp"=="stack pointer") is the most recent item on the argument stack.
- xlfp ("fp"=="frame pointer") is the base of the current stackframe.
- What is a context?
- ------------------
- An xlisp "context" is something like a checkpoint, recording a
- particular point buried in the execution history so that we can
- abort/return back to it. Contexts are used to implement call/return,
- catch/throw, signals, gotos, and breaks. xlcontext points to the
- chain of active contexts, the top one being the second-newest active
- context. (The newest -- that is, current -- active context is
- implemented by the variables xlstack xlenv xlfenv xldenv xlcontext
- xlargv xlargc xlfp xlsp.) Context records are written by
- xljump.c:xlbegin() and read by xljump.c:xljump(). Context records
- are C structures on the C program stack; They are not in the dynamic
- memory pool or on the lisp execution or argument stacks.
- To create a context, the function defines a local CONTEXT structure,
- and then calls xlbegin, passing the address of the structure, the
- appropriate context flags (ored together, if more than one), and an
- expression which is the tag for return and throw contexts, and NIL
- for others. xlend is used to end the context. Within the context, a
- setjmp using the jump buffer in the context structure provides the
- mechanism to return to the function.
- The xljump function takes three arguments, the target context, a mask
- value (which is returned by the setjmp in the target context), and a
- return value. The return value is typically NIL, but holds the return
- value of RETURN and THROW functions for those operations. xljump
- unwinds the contexts until the target context is found, or an
- UNWIND-PROTECT context is found. In the latter case, xunwindprotect
- saves the unwind target so that unwinding can resume.
- The implemented context flags are:
- CF_GO -- used by TAGBODY, searched by GO (and the xlgo function).
- CF_RETURN -- used by named blocks and functions, searched by RETURN.
- CF_THROW -- used by CATCH, searched by THROW.
- CF_ERROR -- used by ERRSET to mark context of an error handler.
- CF_TOPLEVEL -- used at the top-level loop.
- CF_BRKLEVEL -- used in top level and break loops. Searched on
- uncaught (with CF_ERROR) errors.
- CF_CLEANUP -- used in the top level and break loops. Searched when
- going back a break level. Note that this and CF_BRKLEVEL always appear
- together in contexts, but imply different functionality when signaled.
- CF_CONTINUE -- used in break loops to cause continuation.
- In most cases, the mask value passed to xljump is the context flag.
- For the break loop, for example, this allows dispatching based on the
- flag value of BRKLEVEL (which reenters the debug loop), CLEANUP
- (which returns to the previous break loop), or CONTINUE (which
- attempts to continue execution). Starting with xlisp2.1g, in the case
- of the TAGBODY context, the mask value is the index into the TAGBODY
- of the jump target.
- What is an environment?
- -----------------------
- An environment is basically a store of symbol-value pairs, used to
- resolve variable references by the lisp program. xlisp maintains
- three environments, in the global variables xlenv, xlfenv and xldenv.
- xlenv and xlfenv are linked-list stacks which are pushed when we
- enter a function and popped when we exit it. We also switch
- xlenv+xlfenf environments entirely when we begin executing a new
- closure (user-fn written in lisp). The xlenv environment is enlarged
- during a LET function (or other special form with value bindings),
- while the xlfenv environment is enlarged with FLET/MACROLET/LABELS.
- The xlenv environment is the most heavily used environment. It is
- used to resolve everyday data references to local variables. It
- consists of a list of frames (and objects). Each frame is a list of
- sym-val pairs. In the case of an object, we check all the instance
- and class variables of the object, then do the same for its
- superclass, until we run out of superclasses. If the symbol is not
- found it has not been bound and its global value is used.
- The xlfenv environment is used to find function values instead of
- variable values.
- When we send a message, we set xlenv to the value it had when the
- message CLOSURE was built, then push on (obj msg-class), where
- msg-class is the [super]class defining the method. (We also set
- xlfenv to the value xlfenv had when the method was built.) This makes
- the object instance variables part of the environment, and saves the
- information needed to correctly resolve references to class variables,
- and to implement SEND-SUPER.
- The xldenv environment tracks the old values of global variables
- which we have changed but intend to restore later to their original
- values, particularly for variables (symbols) marked as F_SPECIAL, but
- also for progv. This is also used internally when we bind and unbind
- s_evalhook and s_applyhook (*EVALHOOK* and *APPLYHOOK*). It is a
- simple list of sym-val pairs, treated as a stack.
- These environments are manipulated in C via the xlisp.h macros
- xlframe(e), xlbind(s,v), xlfbind(s,v), xlpbind(s,v,e), xldbind(s,v),
- xlunbind(e).
- How are multiple return values handled?
- ---------------------------------------
- The first value is always returned via the C function mechanism.
- All return values are passed back in an array xlresults[]. The
- number of return values are specified in xlnumresults. In order to
- avoid having to repeat the multiple value code in every function, a
- flag in the SUBR or FSUBR cell indicates if multiple values are used,
- and code in xleval.c mimics multiple value functions for single value
- functions. The function VALUES, defined in xvalues() allows closures
- to return multiple values.
- How are xlisp entities stored and identified?
- ---------------------------------------------
- Conceptually, xlisp manages memory as a single array of fixed-size
- objects. Keeping all objects the same size simplifies memory
- management enormously, since any object can be allocated anywhere, and
- complex compacting schemes aren't needed. Every LVAL pointer points
- somewhere in this array. Every xlisp object has the basic format
- (xldmem.h:typdef struct node)
- struct node {
- char n_type;
- char n_flags;
- LVAL car;
- LVAL cdr;
- }
- where n_type is one of:
- FREE A node on the freelist.
- SUBR A function implemented in C. (Needs evalutated arguments.)
- FSUBR A special function implemented in C. (Needs unevaluated arguments).
- CONS A regular lisp cons cell.
- FIXNUM An integer.
- FLONUM A floating-point number.
- STRING A string.
- STREAM An input or output file.
- CHAR An ascii character.
- USTREAM An internal stream.
- RATIO A ratio.
- SYMBOL A symbol.
- OBJECT Any object, including class objects.
- VECTOR A variable-size array of LVALs.
- CLOSURE Result of DEFUN or LAMBDA -- a function written in lisp.
- STRUCT A structure.
- COMPLEX A complex number
- PACKAGE A package
- Messages may be sent only to nodes with n_type == OBJECT.
- Obviously, several of the above types won't fit in a fixed-size
- two-slot node. The escape is to have them malloc() some memory and
- have one of the slots point to it -- VECTOR is the archetype. For
- example, see xldmem.c:newvector(). To some extent, this malloc()
- hack simply exports the memory- fragmentation problem to the C
- malloc()/free() routines. However, it helps keep xlisp simple, and
- it has the happy side-effect of unpinning the body of the vector, so
- that vectors can easily be expanded and contracted. When the
- dldmem.c version of the memory manager is used, this memory is
- managed by xlisp.
- The garbage collector has special-case code for each of the above node
- types, so it can find all LVAL slots and recycle any malloc()ed ram
- when a node is garbage-collected. If the collected node is a STREAM,
- then it's associated file is closed.
- Xlisp pre-allocates nodes for all ascii characters, and for small
- integers. These nodes are never garbage-collected.
- As a practical matter, allocating all nodes in a single array is not
- very sensible. Instead, nodes are allocated as needed, in segments of
- one or two thousand nodes, and the segments linked by a pointer chain
- rooted at xldmem.c:segs.
- How are vectors implemented?
- ----------------------------
- An xlisp vector is a generic array of LVAL slots. Vectors are also
- the canonical illustration of xlisp's escape mechanism for node types
- which need more than two LVAL slots (the maximum possible in the
- fixed-size nodes in the dynamic memory pool). The node CAR/CDR slots
- for a vector hold a size field plus a pointer to a malloc()ed ram
- chunk, which is automatically free()ed when the vector is
- garbage-collected.
- xldmem.h defines macros for reading and writing vector fields and
- slots: getsize(), getelement() and setelement(). It also defines
- macros for accessing each of the other types of xlisp nodes.
- How are strings implemented?
- ----------------------------
- Strings work much like vectors: The node has a pointer to a malloc()ed
- ram chunk which is automatically free()ed when the string gets
- garbage-collected.
- How are symbols implemented?
- ----------------------------
- A symbol is a generic user-visible lisp variable, with separate slots
- for print name, value, function, and property list. Any or all of
- these slots (including name) may be NIL. You create a symbol in C by
- calling "xlmakesym(name)" or "xlenter(name)" (to make a symbol and
- enter it in the obarray). You create a symbol in xlisp with the READ
- function, or by calling "(gensym)", or indirectly in various ways.
- Most of the symbol-specific code in the interpreter is in xlsym.c.
- Physically, a symbol is implemented like a four- or five-slot vector.
- A couple of free bits in the node structure are used as flags for
- F_SPECIAL (special variables) and F_CONSTANT (constants).
- A symbol is marked as unbound (no value) or undefined (no function)
- by placing a pointer to symbol s_unbound in the value or function
- field, respectively. The symbol s_unbound is not interned and is not
- used other than to set and check for unbound variables and undefined
- functions.
- The symbol NIL is statically allocated so its address is a constant.
- This makes the frequent comparision of a pointer to NIL faster and
- more compact (in some cases).
- Random musing: Abstractly, the LISP symbols plus cons cells (etc)
- constitute a single directed graph, and the symbols mark spots where
- normal recursive evaluation should stop. Normal lisp programming
- practice is to have a symbol in every cycle in the graph, so that
- recursive traversal can be done without MARK bits.
- How are closures implemented?
- -----------------------------
- A closure, the return value from a lambda, is a regular coded-in-lisp
- fn. Physically, it it implemented like an eleven-slot vector, with the
- node n_type field hacked to contain CLOSURE instead of VECTOR. The
- vector slots contain:
- name symbol -- 1st arg of DEFUN. NIL for LAMBDA closures.
- type (s_lambda or s_macro).
- args List of "required" formal arguments (as symbols)
- oargs List of "optional" args, each like: (name (default specified-p))
- rest Name of "&rest" formal arg, else NIL.
- kargs keyword args, each like: ((':foo 'bar default specified-p))
- aargs &aux vars, each like: (('arg default))
- body actual code (as lisp list) for fn.
- env value of xlenv when the closure was built. NIL for macros.
- fenv value of xlfenv when the closure was built. NIL for macros.
- lambda The original formal args list in the defining form.
- The lambda field is for printout purposes. The remaining fields store
- a predigested version of the formal args list. This is a limited form
- of compilation: by processing the args list at closure-creation time,
- we reduce the work needed during calls to the closure.
- How are objects implemented?
- ----------------------------
- An object is implemented like a vector, with the size determined by
- the number of instance variables. The first slot in the vector points
- to the class of the object; the remaining slots hold the instance
- variables for the object. An object needs enough slots to hold all
- the instance variables defined by its class, *plus* all the instance
- variables defined by all of its superclasses.
- How are classes implemented?
- ----------------------------
- A class is a specific kind of object, hence has a class pointer plus
- instance variables. All classes have the following instance variables:
- MESSAGES A list of (interned-symbol method-closure) pairs.
- IVARS Instance variable names: A list of interned symbols.
- CVARS Class variable names: A list of interned symbols.
- CVALS Class variable values: A vector of values.
- SUPERCLASS A pointer to the superclass.
- IVARCNT Number of class instance variables, as a fixnum.
- IVARTOTAL Total number of instance variables, as a fixnum.
- PNAME Printname for this class
- IVARCNT is the count of the number of instance variables defined by
- our class. IVARTOTAL is the total number of instance variables in an
- object of this class -- IVARCNT for this class plus the IVARCNTs from
- all of our superclasses.
- How is the class hierarchy laid out?
- ------------------------------------
- The fundamental objects are the OBJECT and CLASS class objects. (Both
- are instances of class CLASS, and since CLASSes are a particular kind
- of OBJECT, both are also objects, with n_type==OBJECT. Bear with me!)
- OBJECT is the root of the class hierarchy: everything you can send a
- message to is of type OBJECT. (Vectors, chars, integers and so forth
- stand outside the object hierarchy -- you can't send messages to them.
- I'm not sure why Dave did it this way.) OBJECT defines the messages:
- :isnew -- Does nothing
- :class -- Returns contents of class-pointer slot.
- :show -- Prints names of obj, obj->class and instance vars (for debugging).
- :prin1 -- print the object to argument stream
- A CLASS is a specialized type of OBJECT (with instance variables like
- MESSAGES which generic OBJECTs lack), class CLASS hence has class
- OBJECT as its superclass. The CLASS object defines the messages:
- :new -- Create new object with self.IVARTOTAL LVAR slots, plus
- one for the class pointer. Point class slot to self.
- Set new.n_type char to OBJECT.
- IVARTOTAL, using parameters from :new call. (The
- :isnew msg inherits the :new msg parameters because
- the :isnew msg is generated automatically after
- each :new msg, courtesy of a special hack in
- xlobj.c:sendmsg().)
- :answer -- Add a (msg closure) pair to self.MESSAGES.
- Here's a figure to summarize the above, with a generic object thrown
- in for good measure. Note that all instances of CLASS will have a
- SUPERCLASS pointer, but no non-class object will. Note also that the
- messages known to an object are those which can be reached by
- following exactly one Class Ptr and then zero or more Superclass Ptrs.
- For example, the generic object can respond to :ISNEW, :CLASS and
- :SHOW, but not to :NEW or :ANSWER. (The functions implementing the
- given messages are shown in parentheses.)
- ^
- |
- |Superclass Ptr
- |
- Msg+--------+
- :isnew (xlobj.c:obisnew) <----| class |Class Ptr
- :class (xlobj.c:obclass) <----| OBJECT |------------+
- :show (xlobj.c:objshow) <----| | |
- +--------+ |
- +---------+ ^ ^ |
- | generic |Class Ptr | | |
- | object |----------------+ |Superclass Ptr |
- +---------+ | |
- Msg+--------+ |
- :isnew (xlobj.c:clnew) <----| class |Class Ptr |
- :new (xlobj.c:clisnew) <----| CLASS |--------+ |
- :answer(xlobj.c:clanswer)<----| | | |
- +--------+ | |
- ^ ^ | |
- | | | |
- | +-----------+ |
- +------------------+
- Thus, class CLASS inherits the :CLASS and :SHOW messages from class
- OBJECT, overrides the default :ISNEW message, and provides new the
- messages :NEW and :ANSWER.
- New classes are created by (send CLASS :NEW ...) messages. Their
- Class Ptr will point to CLASS. By default, they will have OBJECT as
- their superclass, but this can be overridden by the second optional
- argument to :NEW.
- The above basic structure is set up by xlobj.c:xloinit().
- How do we look up the value of a variable?
- ------------------------------------------
- When we're cruising along evaluating an expression and encounter a
- symbol, the symbol might refer to a global variable, an instance
- variable, or a class variable in any of our superclasses. Figuring
- out which means digging throught the environment. The canonical place
- this happens is in xleval.c:xleval(), which simply passes the buck to
- xlsym.c:xlgetvalue(), which in turn passes the buck to
- xlxsym.c:xlxgetvalue(), where the fun of scanning down xlenv begins.
- The xlenv environment looks something like
- Backbone Environment frame contents
- -------- --------------------------
- xlenv --> frame ((sym val) (sym val) (sym val) ... )
- frame ...
- object (obj msg-class)
- frame ...
- object ...
- frame ...
- ...
- The "frame" lines are due to everyday nested constructs like LET
- expressions, while the "object" lines represent an object environment
- entered via a message send. xlxgetvalue scans the enviroment left to
- right, and then top to bottom. It scans down the regular environment
- frames itself, and calls xlobj.c:xlobjgetvalue() to search the object
- environment frames.
- xlobjgetvalue() first searches for the symbol in the msg-class, then
- in all the successive superclasses of msg-class. In each class, it
- first checks the list of instance-variable names in the IVARS slot,
- then the list of class-variables name in the CVARS slot.
- How are function calls implemented?
- -----------------------------------
- xleval.c contains the central expression-evaluation code.
- xleval.c:xleval() is the standard top-level entrypoint. The two
- central functions are xleval.c:xlevform() and xleval.c:evfun().
- xlevform() can evaluate four kinds of expression nodes:
- SUBR: A normal primitive fn coded in C. We call evpushargs() to
- evaluate and push the arguments, then call the primitive.
- FSUBR: A special primitive fn coded in C, which (like IF) wants its
- arguments unevaluated. We call pushargs() (instead of evpushargs())
- and then the C fn.
- CLOSURE: A preprocessed written-in-lisp fn from a DEFUN or LAMBDA. We
- call evpushargs() and then evfun().
- CONS: We issue an error if it isn't a LAMBDA, otherwise we call
- xleval.c:xlclose() to build a CLOSURE from the LAMBDA, and fall into
- the CLOSURE code.
- The common thread in all the above cases is that we call evpushargs()
- or pushargs() to push all the arguments on the evaluation stack,
- leaving the number and location of the arguments in the global
- variables xlargc and xlargv. The primitive C functions consume
- their arguments directly from the argument stack.
- xleval.c:evfun() evaluates a CLOSURE by:
- (1) Switching xlenv and xlfenv to the values they had when
- the CLOSURE was built. (These values are recorded in the CLOSURE.)
- (2) Binding the arguments to the environment. This involves scanning
- through the section of the argument stack indicated by xlargc/xlargv,
- using information from the CLOSURE to resolve keyword arguments
- correctly and assign appropriate default values to optional arguments,
- among other things.
- (3) Evaluating the body of the function via xleval.c:xleval().
- (4) Cleaning up and restoring the original environment.
- How are message-sends implemented?
- ----------------------------------
- We scan the MESSAGES list in the CLASS object of the recipient,
- looking for a (message-symbol method) pair that matches our message
- symbol. If necessary, we scan the MESSAGES lists of the recipients
- superclasses too. (xlobj.c:sendmsg().) Once we find it, we basically
- do a normal function evaluation. (xlobjl.c:evmethod().) Two oddities:
- We need to replace the message-symbol by the recipient on the argument
- stack to make things look normal, and we need to push an 'object'
- stack entry on the xlenv environment so we remember which class is
- handling the message.
- How is garbage collection implemented?
- --------------------------------------
- The dynamic memory pool managed by xlisp consists of a chain of memory
- *segments* rooted at global C variable "segs". Each segment contains
- an array of "struct node"s plus a pointer to the next segment. Each
- node contains a n_type field and a MARK bit, which is zero except
- during garbage collection.
- Xlisp uses a simple, classical mark-and-sweep garbage collector. When
- it runs out of memory (fnodes==NIL), it does a recursive traversal
- setting the MARK flag on all nodes reachable from the obarray, the
- three environments xlenv/xlfenv/xldenv, and the evaluation and
- argument stacks. (A "switch" on the n_type field tells us how to find
- all the LVAL slots in the node (plus associated storage), and a
- pointer-reversal trick lets us avoid using too much stack space during
- the traversal.) sweep() then adds all un-MARKed LVALs to fnodes, and
- clears the MARK bit on the remaining nodes. If this fails to produce
- enough free nodes, a new segment is malloc()ed.
- The code to do this stuff is mostly in xldmem.c.
- How is garbage collection of vectors/strings implemented?
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- In the dldmem.c version, vector/string space is allocated from a
- memory pool maintained by xlisp, rather than relying on the C libary
- malloc() and free() functions. The pool is a linked list of VSEGMENT
- with the root vsegments.
- When no free memory of a size necessary for an allocation request is
- available, a garbage collection is performed. If there is still no
- available memory, then a new vector segment is allocated.
- The garbage collection process compacts the memory in each vector
- segment. This is an easy process because each allocated vector area
- is pointed to by only one location (in an LVAL), and a backpointer is
- maintained from the vector segment to the LVAL. Empty vector segments
- are returned to the heap using free() if there greater than 50% of
- the vector space is free. This is done to reduce thrashing while
- making memory available for allocation to LVALs.
- How does XLISP initialize?
- --------------------------
- A major confusing aspect of xlisp is how it initializes, and how
- save/restore works. This is a multistep process that must take place
- in a specific order.
- When xlisp starts, there is no obarray, and in fact no symbols at
- all. All initial symbols must be created as part of initialization.
- In addition the character and small integer cells must be created,
- and all the C variables that point to xlisp symbols must be
- initialized.
- Initialization is mostly performed in xlinit.c, from the function
- xlinit(). This function is called from main() after main parses the
- command line, calls osinit() to initialize the OS interface, and sets
- the initial top level context. This initial context causes a fatal
- error to occur if any error happens during the initialization
- process.
- The first step of xlinit() is to call xlminit(), which is in xldmem.c
- or dldmem.c. This initializes the pointers for the memory manager,
- stacks, creates the small integer and character LVAL segments, and
- creates the NIL symbol by filling in the statically allocated NIL
- LVAL from one that is temporarily created. This first call of
- xlmakesym will do the first garbage collection -- all of the roots
- used for the mark routine have been set so that marking will not
- occur (there is nothing to mark!). It is important, however, that
- garbage collection not occur again until initialization is completed.
- This can be assured by having the allocation segment size, NNODES, be
- large enough for the entire initialization.
- The second step in xlinit() is to call xldbug.c:xldinit() to turn
- debugging off.
- At this point, if a restore is to occur from a workspace file, then
- the restore is attempted. If the restore is sucessful, then
- initialization is finished. See "How does save/restore work?" which
- is the next question.
- If the restore fails or there is no file to restore, an initial
- workspace must be created. This is done by function initwks(), also
- in xlinit.c.
- Initwks() starts by calling four initialization functions.
- xlsym.c:xlsinit() creates the symbol *OBARRAY* (and sets the
- variable obarray to point to it), creates the object array as the
- value, and enters obarray into the array.
- xlsymbols() is called next. It enters all of the symbols referenced
- by the interpreter into the obarray, and saves their addresses in C
- variables. This function is also called during restores, so it is
- important that it does not change the value of any symbols where the
- value would be set by restore. If the unbound indicator symbol does
- not exist, one is created. Then it puts NIL in the obarray if not
- already there (NIL being already created), then all the other symbols
- are added (if they don't exist), and their addresses saved in C
- variables.
- This function also initializes constants such as NIL, T, and PI.
- Because a saved workspace might have a different file stream
- environment, xlsymbols always initializes the standard file streams
- based on the current xlisp invocation. It builds the structure
- property for RANDOM-STATE structures. It then (shudder!) calls two
- other initialization functions xlobj.c:obsymbols() and ossymbols (in
- the appropriate *stuff.c file) to enter symbols used in the object
- feature and operating system specific code, respectively.
- Returning to initwks(), two aditional initialization routines are
- called. Xlread.c:xlrinit() initializes the read-table and installs
- the standard read macros. Xlobj.c:xloinit() creates the class and
- object objects.
- Since the NIL and *OBARRAY* symbols were created before the unbound
- marker symbol, initwks sets the function values of these symbols, and
- of the unbound marker symbol, to be unbound. It then initializes all
- the global variables. Finally it creates all the builtin function
- bindings from the funtab table. The synonym functions are created
- last.
- How are workspaces saved and restored?
- --------------------------------------
- All the work is done in dlimage.c or xlimage.c, depending on the
- memory management scheme. The basic trick in a save is that memory
- locations upon a restore would be entirely different. Because of
- that, addresses written out are converted into offsets from the start
- of the segs LVAL segment list. In the restore operation, the offset
- is converted back into an address; if the offset is larger than the
- allocated segment memory, additional segment memory is allocated
- until an address can be calculated.
- Looking at the save function, xlisave(char *fname), the argument
- string is taken as the name of a workspace file, and a binary file is
- created of that name. Then a garbage collection is performed since it
- would be wasteful to write out garbage.
- The size of ftab is writen as a validity check, figuring that if the
- configuration changed, then this value would be different.
- The offset of the *obarray* symbol is written next, since obarray is
- crucial to doing a restore -- it is used to get the addresses of all
- the other symbols used in the interpreter. Since NIL is a statically
- allocated symbol, the offsets to its function, property list, and
- printname are written. (I bet you didn't know you could define a
- function called NIL!)
- Now the segs are traversed and all nodes are written out. The nodes
- are written in the format of a one byte tag followed by information
- dependent on the node type. Since many locations in the segment can
- be empty, one node type, FREE, has data that sets the next offset in
- the file, thus allowing skipping of many locations with a single
- command. The function setoffset(), called before writing tags in the
- other cases, handles writing the FREE entry. CONS and USTREAM cells
- consist of two pointers, which are written after conversion into
- offsets. For all other node types, the raw information is written by
- writenode(). This could be optimized since not all information is
- needed (for instance, the address of arrays won't be needed!)
- A terminator entry (FREE with length of zero) is written, and the
- segs are traversed again, looking for nodes with attached
- array/string data and streams. For the types where the attached data
- is an array, the array elements (pointers) are converted to offsets
- and written out. For a string, the characters are written. For a
- stream (assuming FILETABLE is used), the file's name and position are
- written if it is other than standard input, output, or error. These
- streams cannot be saved or restored.
- Restoring a workspace is somewhat more difficult. The file is opened
- and checked for validity. Then the old memory image is deleted.
- During the deletion, any open file streams other than standard input,
- output, or error are closed. All of the global memory allocation
- pointers and stacks are reset, just like in initialization. Since the
- fixnum and character segments are of fixed size and need a known
- location, there are allocated. Their values, however, will be filled
- in from the workspace file. This is another wasteful inefficiency,
- but at least these segments are small.
- The global pointer obarray is read from the file. As mentioned
- earlier, the cviptr() function converts the offset in the file into a
- physical address, allocating more node segments as necessary. The
- array portion of the NIL symbol is allocated, and its function,
- property list, and printname pointers are read from the file.
- Then the node information is read in. For type FREE, the offset is
- adjusted. For CONS and USTREAM the car and cdr pointers are read, for
- other types, the LVAL data is read raw.
- The LVAL segments are scanned, and now the vector/string components
- of nodes are read. Since the order of nodes is unchanged, the data is
- read into the correct nodes. For vector types, the size field of the
- LVAL is consulted, vector space is allocated, and offsets are read
- from the file and converted into pointers. For strings, the string
- space is allocated and the string is read. For streams other than
- standard input, output, or error, the file name and position is read
- and an attempt is made to open the file. If the file can be opened,
- then it is positioned.
- During the scan, for SUBR/FSUBR nodes funtab is consulted and the
- correct subroutine address is inserted.
- During the whole process, if a tag is invalid or the file size is not
- correct, a fatal error occurs.
- A garbage collection is performed to initialize the free space for
- future node allocation.
- Finally xlsymbols() is called, as in the initializaton process, so
- that the C pointers in the interpreter can be set. This also sets the
- streams for standard input, output, and error to the correct values.
- How do I add a new primitive fn to xlisp?
- -----------------------------------------
- Add a line to the end of xlftab.c:funtab[], and a function prototype
- to xlftab.h. This table contains a list of triples:
- The first element of each triple is the function name as it will
- appear to the programmer. Make it all upper case.
- The second element is S (for SUBR) if (like most fns) your function
- wants its arguments pre-evaluated, else F (for FSUBR).
- The third element is the name of the C function to call.
- Remember that your arguments arrive on the xlisp argument rather
- than via the usual C parameter mechanism.
- CAUTION: Try to keep your files separate from generic xlisp files, and
- to minimize the number of changes you make in the generic xlisp files.
- This way, you'll have an easier time re-installing your changes when
- new versions of xlisp come out. It's a good idea to put a marker
- (like a comment with your initials) on each line you change or insert
- in the generic xlisp fileset. For example, if you are going to add
- many primitive functions to your xlisp, use an #include file rather
- than putting them all in xlftab.c.
- CAUTION: Remember that you usually need to protect the LVAL variables
- in your function from the garbage-collector. It never hurts to do
- this, and often produces obscure bugs if you dont. Generic code for
- a new primitive fn:
- /* xlsamplefun - do useless stuff. */
- /* Called like (samplefun '(a c b) 1 2.0) */
- LVAL xlsamplefun()
- {
- /* Variables to hold the arguments: */
- LVAL list_arg, integer_arg, float_arg;
- /* Get the arguments, with appropriate errors */
- /* if any are of the wrong type. Look in */
- /* xlisp.h for macros to read other types of */
- /* arguments. Look in xlmath.c for examples */
- /* of functions which can handle an argument */
- /* which may be either int or float: */
- list_arg = xlgalist() ; /* "XLisp Get A LIST" */
- integer_arg = xlgafixnum(); /* "XLisp Get A FIXNUM" */
- float_arg = xlgaflonum(); /* "XLisp Get A FLONUM" */
- /* Issue an error message if there are any extra arguments: */
- xllastarg();
- /* Call a separate C function to do the actual */
- /* work. This way, the main function can */
- /* be called from both xlisp code and C code. */
- /* By convention, the name of the xlisp wrapper */
- /* starts with "xl", and the native C function */
- /* has the same name minus the "xl" prefix: */
- return samplefun( list_arg, integer_arg, float_arg );
- }
- LVAL samplefun( list_arg, integer_arg, float_arg )
- LVAL list_arg, integer_arg, float_arg;
- {
- FIXTYPE val_of_integer_arg;
- FLOTYPE val_of_float_arg;
- /* Variables which will point to LISP objects: */
- LVAL result;
- LVAL list_ptr;
- LVAL float_ptr;
- LVAL int_ptr;
- /* Protect our internal pointers by */
- /* pushing them on the evaluation */
- /* stack so the garbage collector */
- /* can't recycle them in the middle */
- /* of the routine: */
- xlstkcheck(3); /* Make sure following xlsave */
- /* calls won't overrun stack. */
- xlsave(list_ptr); /* Use xlsave1() if you don't */
- xlsave(float_ptr);/* do an xlstkcheck(). */
- xlsave(int_ptr);
- /* Create an internal list structure, protected */
- /* against garbage collection until we exit fn: */
- list_ptr = cons(list_arg,list_arg);
- /* Get the actual values of our fixnum and flonum: */
- val_of_integer_arg = getfixnum( integer_arg );
- val_of_float_arg = getflonum( float_arg );
- /*******************************************/
- /* You can have any amount of intermediate */
- /* computations at this point in the fn... */
- /*******************************************/
- /* Make new numeric values to return: */
- integer_ptr = cvflonum( val_of_integer_arg * 3 );
- float_ptr = cvflonum( val_of_float_arg * 3.0 );
- /* Cons it all together to produce a return value: */
- result = cons(
- list_ptr,
- cons(
- integer_ptr,
- cons(
- float_ptr,
- )
- )
- );
- /* Restore the stack, cancelling the xlsave()s: */
- xlpopn(3); /* Use xlpop() for a single argument.*/
- return result;
- }
- - Jeff (S)